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February 21, 2011 / John Sieger

Adam And Eve

Click: Adam & Eve

What is it about the bible? The religion eventually goes (at least in my case it does) but the stories cling to your memory like ivy to an old brick wall. Or should I say a fig leaf to Eve’s nether regions? I know Sarah Palin believes every single word in that book and demands a literal interpretation, but I like to take stories and mess ’em up. Somehow spreading dis-information about dis-information appeals to me. I don’t take it too far in this half-finished song I discovered lurking in a dark corner of my hard drive. It struck me as funny to say “in their original skins” and then, in what surely is a broken time-line, the snake chimes in with, “For Christ’s sake, don’t tell him!” I am easily amused. This is minor in both key and ambition—really, I was too tired to finish it. Think of it as a tribute to Sir Paul’s Abbey Road footnote, Her Majesty.

© 2011 John Sieger


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